Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

“Handy Andy we used to call him! You had to keep your back to the wall if you were getting in a lift with him….! Everyone just accepted it; it was normal….” I will keep the source of this recently heard anecdote anonymous, for obvious reasons, but we’ve all heard stories like it from (usually female) friends and colleagues about their experiences of working in offices and factories of the not-too-distant past.

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Weaponization of Subject Access Requests

It is now the rule rather than the exception for claimants to make a subject access request alongside their tribunal claim. Subject access requests are not new, but the GDPR legislation heightened awareness has led to a significant increase in requests being received by employers.

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Flexible Working – New Legislation 6th April 2024

Revised Flexible Working Regulations were published in December, to take effect on 6 April 2024.

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Restructuring the Workforce

The requirement to restructure a workforce can be driven by a number of factors such as changing customer requirements, new technology or a realisation that the existing structure has become outdated and inefficient.

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What to expect in 2024

October and November are busy months for us at Sherrards as we prepare for our annual Employment Law Latest seminars.

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Probationary periods to be made illegal?

If current opinion polls turn out to have correctly anticipated the result of the next General Election, Labour is heading for Government in 2024, possibly with a significant majority.

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World Menopause Awareness Month

We are 1 week into World Menopause Awareness Month. How is your company marking 18th October ‘World Menopause Day’?

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The Future of Work – AI & HR

Over the last 6 months Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly accessible to everyone. What are the benefits of AI and ChatGPT for HR and what are the current challenges?

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“It’s not harassment, it’s only banter.”

As employment lawyers, probably our least favourite word is banter. Countless times over the years we have heard the perpetrators of harassment of various kinds dismiss their behaviour as "only banter."

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Menopause leave trial rejected by Government

Has the Government missed an opportunity to support both the employer and employee by rejecting the proposal to introduce menopause leave? What signal has been sent to women in the workplace?  

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