How to Guides


You can use Sherrards How to Guides, which combine practical guidance with template letters, to implement redundancies, manage sickness absence, conduct a disciplinary matter, and a range of common workplace  topics.

Accessible 24 hours a day, they are HR friendly, jargon-free and are regularly updated by employment law solicitors. If you would like to have access to all our How to Guides they are available at a nominal fee of £720 plus VAT per annum. To find out more please visit or contact Sarah Hammant on 01273 834120 or email

Guides include:

Handling Long Term Sickness Absence
Collective Redundancy Consultation
Handling Grievances
Handling Disciplinaries
Variation of Contract
Handling Poor Performance
Flexible Working
Collective TUPE
Menopause in the Workplace
Handling Short Term Ill Health

Sherrards How to Guide Collective Redundancy

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